Snatch, mi amor.

Oi, Guy Ritchie gets better and better. :)
Ma ei viitsi üldse rääkida millestki muust kui Snatchist praegu. Muidu mul läheb hästi ja olen tore ja tubli ja eile oli tutvumispidu ja kodus läks pralle edasi ja see hakkab juba veidraks muutuma, et mul on Lauradega väga kentsakad sarnasused jajaja... on tore, ja.

Tegelikult ma tahtsin quote-stormi teha siia nüüd... :D

Tommy: Who took the jam outta your doughnut?
Turkish: You took the fucking jam outta my doughnut, Tommy. You did.
Customs official: Anything to declare?
Avi: Yeah. Don't go to England.
Avi: Should I call you Bullet? Tooth?
Bullet Tooth Tony: You can call me Susan if it makes you happy.
Turkish: You take sugar?
Brick Top: No thank you, Turkish, I'm sweet enough.
Mickey: Ah, save your breath for cooling your porridge.
[Tyrone just backed into Franky Four Fingers' van]
Tyrone: I didn't see it there.
Vinny: It's a four ton truck, Tyrone. Its not as if it's a bag of fucking peanuts, is it?
Tyrone: It was a funny angle.
[All three turn and look back at the truck]
Vinny: It's behind you Tyrone. Whenever you reverse, things come from behind you.

(HAH! Seda teadsin ma juba enne filmi.. :D)
Turkish: Well, you know about caravans.
Tommy: How's that?
Turkish: You spent a summer in one, which means you know more than me. And I don't want to have my pants pulled down over the price.
Tommy: What's wrong with this one?
Turkish: [Pulls the caravan's door from its hinges] Oh, nothing, Tommy. It's tiptop. It's just I'm not sure about the colour.
Brick Top: You're on thin fucking ice my pedigree chums, and I shall be under it when it breaks. Now, fuck off.


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