Natuke inglisekeelset Knausgaardi ja Tartu zeni meie kõigi laupäeva õhtusse: "I returned the glass to the table and stubbed out my cigarette. There was nothing left of my feelings for those I had just spent several hours with. The whole crowd of them could have burned in hell for all I cared. This was a role in my life. When I was with other people I was bound to them, the nearness I felt was immense, the empathy great. Indeed, so great that their well-being was always more important than my own. I subordinated myself, almost to the verge of self-effacement; some uncontrollable internal mechanism caused me to put their thoughts and opinions before mine. But the moment I was alone others meant nothing to me. It wasn’t that I disliked them , or nurtured feelings of loathing for them, on the contrary, I liked most of them, and the ones I didn’t actually like I could always see some worth in, some attribute I could identify with, or at least find interesting, something that could ...
Kuvatud on kuupäeva mai, 2014 postitused
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Täna on üks nendest vanadest tuttavatest "mina üksi Tartu öös"-olemistest. Vedelen diivanil, muusika mängib, aknast tuleb jahedat sirelihõngu ja mu põlvedel pikutab läbimõeldud sõnadest tulvil sõbrapäevik, mis täna taas tee minuni leidis. Mul pole ammu seda üksiolemise tunnet olnud, aga täna jõudis see nii mitme asja kombona minu juurde tagasi ja ennist arutatud sentimentalism lõi välja. Aga vähemalt sain just ühe kosutava suveõhtuse jalutuskäigu võrra rikkamaks. Tartu on oma pimedates üksikutes tänavates parim. Hea on teada, et Tartu on alati olemas.